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Mickey Mouse x James Jean 90th Anniversary Figure (Blind Box Single)
Mickey Mouse x James Jean 90th Anniversary Figure (Blind Box Single)
Mickey Mouse x James Jean 90th Anniversary Figure (Blind Box Single)
Mickey Mouse x James Jean 90th Anniversary Figure (Blind Box Single)

Mickey Mouse x James Jean 90th Anniversary Figure (Blind Box Single)

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Presenting a blend of creativity between the Good Smile Company and James Jean to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Mickey Mouse. Enjoy these collectible figures designed by world renowned artist James Jean. With a total of 6 to collect, these are designed to be displayed without any type of stand and are sure to stand out in your current collection.

Each figure is approximately 3.9" (100mm) in height.

These are sold as a single blind box; with a 1 in 6 chance of each style.

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