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Tangled Dreamy Style Rapunzel Q Posket (Variation B - Pink)
Tangled Dreamy Style Rapunzel Q Posket (Variation B - Pink)
Tangled Dreamy Style Rapunzel Q Posket (Variation B - Pink)
Tangled Dreamy Style Rapunzel Q Posket (Variation B - Pink)

Tangled Dreamy Style Rapunzel Q Posket (Variation B - Pink)

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Rapunzel stands approximately 5.5 inches tall in her beautiful dreamy pink dress.

This is variation B, a pink version of her dress.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Devin Mygatt

I had never ordered from this site before, but saw this for a good price and decided to go for it. I'm very glad I did, it arrived quickly, was packaged well, and was exactly as it was supposed to be! I love it!

Lisa Wissinger
Must Have

This is a must have Q posket if you are a fan of Rapunzel and the movie Tangled. Absolutely love it. Shipped quickly and with care. I highly recommend this product and this seller. Thank you!

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